Only a repetition of what you did yesterday , last week , last month and last year and the last 40 years
WHAT IS YOUR PLAN B . It is Your mistake if you are stuck in your comfort zone .
BHIP global can take your mind out of the Comfort Zone and shift your way of thinking differently..
My 30 years of working in an environment based on Loyalty and praise from your boss was the driving factor, It no longer works today..
You are driven to give your Boss what he wants .It has driven me mad many times--- .
No matter how much time and effort you put in.and the Hours you work.
Your effort only equates to your pay and other small fringe benefits.
Wealth creation for you is not there.. we slave our time for Money in qadrant S and E
We work for our family and try to help them create their own luck in this harsh world of competition
We cannot ride on somebody else's success . You have to create and make your own success .
I try do define a Comfort zone the PNG way.
A place where nothing grows-----------
A place where you Just survive on a day to day -----
A place that is a dead end----
A place where you dont see your potential ---
A place where insecurity leads you to build fortress with no escape routes--
A Place where no doors of opportunity can be made ---
A place that takes you away from the real world around you.
A place that has no dreams---- ,
You add your own List -----------
we become comfortable, do you know what happens around us? Absolutely nothing.
Each day becomes just like the one before. We do what we have always done,
therefore we get what we have always gotten."Kip Davis, A Comfortable Situation
My understanding of a comfort zone is being STUCK and LOCKED in quadrant E and S.
On the Blue side are people who are just surviving day in and day out and on the green side are people who wants to be successful
This comfort zone is a beautiful place but barren and a desert with nothing to grow and harvest
It is place were there is only repetition of what you did yesterday , last week , last month ,last year and the last 40 years
It is a place where the company you work for. pays you enough so that you do not run away and you are doing just enough for the company to keep you on their payroll.
It is a place you put food on the table and just keep of surviving
It is a place where you keep on saying another day another dollar
We become prisoners of companies and corporations .
BHIP global create on opportunityBy GIVING YOU A KEY for you to shift out of you comfort zone of survival and
Try something different
Do something differet
Take a different Route
Stop and think . IF there is a better ways of doing a repetive things. Be creative , imaginative and
take some responsible risks..
One of our leaders said the graveyard is the richest place on earth . Its a place where valuable ideas lay burried .
How true is that.
Great people have done great t things and moved alot of people .
Some peope in their cofort zones have great idears and visions but are afraid , ashamed or insecure to take some leap of confidence into the unkown.
They have no friend , no stories to tell , nothing to write about and nothing to show for.
They fail to realize that working their entire life to serve a company can be very rewarding but as time catches up and you sit back and look back on your achievements , there is nothing to show for .
Thinking beyond your frozen comfort zone .
Nearly all goverment business and entity in PNG has a father , son , uncle grand chuildren and family members holding onto positions they do not deseve .
We turn the governemnt business and office into a family business and ride in its comfort zone and suddenly a new Boss comes in with his tribeman and family members move into the comfort zone
It becomes a start of family fueds for comfort zone.
You can work for a big corporation or company with all sorts of perks and jerks but remember this Comfort zone advise .
These are NOT yours ----------
The position you hold
The chair you sit on
The Company car you drive
The Company house you live in
The land you live on
People who were thrown out of their comfort zones have never adjusted to the real world . I Know of a family friend who is now paralyzed and in bed .
The shock that hit him when he was forced out his cofort zone has put him on a wheel chair.
I hold a bachelord Degree in Engineering and my formal education has kept me in my comfort zone for 30 years and as I plan on my retirement it is scary but when I see people I have know waking on the streets of Lae and are still alive My question is How are they Surviving on a day to day basis .
They have adjusted out of their Comort zone
Simply we humans have always found a way out of situations , unfortunalley many dont
Bhip Global has re educated my way of thinking and if you cant see where Iam coming from .
then just pause and think on this Bill Gates quote to jog your mind
What he is saying is, you have to start thinking of ideas outside of the comfort zone
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