Tuesday, 31 December 2013


"It takes a leader to create momentum” john c Maxwell.

 DO YOU KNOW THAT ,Team Kumul is creating  an MLM  momentum in  PNG -------

 Team Fortune leaders with Terry Lacore

 PNG Team Kumul leader, Kini Karo  with Terry Lacore ..



From Dallas Texas to PNG and Lae   Bhip Global HAS MOVED IN and is here to stay for the long haul  - Join us on the search for leaders in The BHIP  GLOBAL Business in PNG and the world  in 2014 and beyond .
5 years  , 10 years , 20years , 100 years,--  its the BHIP dream.
Your dream is our dream - get on board

In PNG ,lunch money can Buy followers but WILL not BUY true  leaders

Have you ever watched   the dog whisperer show   He has mastered the art to training dogs and pack leaders .

On every of his shows he says, we "rehabiiitate dogs and retrain pack Leaders .

Dogs likes to move  in packs and they follow the dominant leader ,
In his show the human being  has to be be trained to lead dogs as a pack leader,  It is very interesting to see on the show that Dogs are confused and look for pack leaders and when they dont find the pack leader  then  the dogs  do all sorts of funny things like -- attacking car tyres
In the show the dogs are  trained to mentally change and the leader is retrained to understand the Dog world .

 The Day to Day Challenges for our leaders in the land of the unexpected is unique. Trying to be a good pack leader is hard . 
Lunch money can buy followers but the longer it goes then the leader starts planning his escape routes.
True leaders do not look for followers , the followers look for leaders
Leaders see beyond the horizon , beyond their time  and the unseen .Its in their Mind   -The dream .

Our own style of leadership in PNG has been different
The wrong influence is to buy follwers
Leaders  can buy lunch , sponser a rugby team or  put on a  big feast , all for a  show --
This  generates alot of followers , who are only after  short term gain , to eat ,drink and feast  until the money runs dry .
Then, the followers disapper only to connect up with another leader who can continue to  give them lunch money  and the same journey starts over and over again  for the followers ,

Many of our leaders go into hiding from their followers because followers demand ,they get angry , they intimidate the leaders and they chase and they try and get what  they want .
We intimidate  our political leaders  when we dont get what  we want.
 PNG Political leaders  have  their secret hideouts , backdoor escape routes and try to go into hiding and the best palce is to be overseas and operate by remote control as they feel they cannot lead at all under such chaos of the handout mentality. 
Their  office is locked all the time and is manned by family members or close relatives , who have no idea of what  is going on .

BHIP global gives you an opportunity to find the leadership qualities in you. 
The office is opened for business all the time
BHIP  gives you an opportunity to create your own Business with vey low investment  and   very Low risks 
BHIP Global  creates a level Playing field .
It gives you an opportunity to dream  and be a leader in the Global Business in Multi level marketing ( MLM)   and BE SELF EDUCATED   in areas you never dreamt of.
There is no interview , no qualifications requirements and disqualifies no one
You have Be at The right Place , The right time, hear the MLM  presentation and DO SOMETHING about it  .

You Only have to Pick up the Phone and call us or go to one of our  Business opportuinty to find out the opportunity to realize your     dreams
Your dream in this business is our dream.  it is that simple

One of PNGs most   distinguised  leader was Sir Michael Somare

A leader is one who see more than others do, who sees farther than others see, and who sees before others do” Leroy elms.

He was visionary leader. He  saw ahead of his time and many Papu new Guineas at his time did  not see what he saw.It was all in his head , The dream.  

He continued to work on his dream  of  the independent PNG  , one people , one currency , one parliment , one air line ----

He kept on selling  his dream   to people around him until it was realized in September  1975-  PNG became an independent nation .

Ideas hatched  to reality  , but that was not the end  as  it was just  the beginnning of an infant nation and our chief, Michael somare   kept on going and going --- until today he has not lost an energy of his dreams .

When the Australian Flag was lowered for the last time on PNG soil  in 1975.
Tears ,confusion and fears of the unknown  sent   a thousand tribes and 800 languages of a divesse culture   into  Joy , fear and confussion, like it was the end of the world for PNG . People were crying and weeping that all the Australians will be gone and the country will  be left with natives  to fend for them selves.

Leaders dreams can cause  earthquake  of uncertainty, as it is human nature ., but when the dust settles down and the earthquake stops , every one forgot on what really happened.
 In PNG  in 1975 , it  was only the  lowering of the Australian Flag and raising the new PNG Flag that created an  earthquake   of panic .
Today , Many Austarlians from the 1975 era are still with us. 
Our founding father of  PNG, Michael Somare on his journey hired and fired a lot of peole just  to create  his dreams for  PNG .
Where ever  he went  his follower came in packs and  droves  ony to see him as their  leader.
Attraction he had was like  a magnet , people ran , screamed and shouted just to get a glimpse of this man,
He was sharp, tactical , full of wisdom  and had words for every occassion and was charismatic
Don't start a debating match  with him , he can give you a good "upper cut"to corner you. He was jsut too good.

Leaders who find opportunities to get rather then giving , impatient rather than being Cool  and use deception to lure people  or in PNG you buy them lunch of we say " Give Lunch Money" is only a melanesian  good will gesture.
The  action to give   shows no ledership qualities .

LUNCH MONEY leaders have a short dream, false hope  and they fade into obscurity and never to be  heard of again .
Do you have a dream
Do you want to follow our dream
Do you want us to move with Your dreams
Do you want want to learn The BHIP dream
Do you Know your leadership qualities in You.
Why spend your lifetime as a follower without dreams --
Call us and find out on this  global business to build leaders and their dreams .

Leaders are people who influence other people ,
The famous speech by Martin Luther King.
"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise ------------"
It was the speech I and my fellow students  were asked to memorise like the Lords prayer in my school days at Kondiu , Simbu Province of PNG .
The  Jesuit priest  would go red and in all effort for us to understand the  history of  Greeks , the Romans  and the Egyptians of the Nile delta.  His dreams was to show us other peples dreams ..
I never understood it up unitl now

People without dreams are not leaders but followers of people who have dreams
 Our leader are CHRISTINE AMEUA AND KINI KARO . They  are based in PortMoresby.
They have led the PNG contigent to The BHIP global convetion in thailand and what  a reception on the world stage for PNG.
All BHIP teams in PNG Comes under one leadership of our national leader of Team Kumul - Kini and christine





BHIP Global  Lae -Team Chayil .  The team name was selected from the bible
You find it in   Deutronomy 8: 18
God has given us the power to create wealth .

Monday, 23 December 2013

The Most Assaulted HUMAN ORGAN in the Modern age of PNG

The Most assaulted Human organ from  the stone age
Do you know what you are putting into your stomach
Is it possible that the stone age man was smarter than the modern man in  what goes into the stomach ____

Ignorance of Most PNG people about  healthy  food is Big Business for  people selling  food with no value .
Non healthy food is a money maker in PNG but its health problem created  is not their business

The liver is probably the organ most assaulted by our toxic modern lifestyles, which is full of pollution, drugs, stress, fast foods, etc.

Why eat food that has no nutritional value  like chicken fingers  that's sold in packs . Is it worth the money  to buy chicken fingers ??
The labels on the packets is written clearly

The chicken fingesr  has no nutritional value , its composition is dry  scales . stringy  vein and claws , which is calcium, Is it value for money  
JUST TO FILL THE STOMACH  and then get sick?
 What else is out there that you are filling your stomach with

I went to self-educate myself in body nutrients and to find about the importance of diet in PNG and it is shocking to see the meals on all kai bar and the streets of lae .
The  fast food culture is so different to what you find in other countries .
The chinese are well known to create very tasty foods but  we dont want to eat what they cook and they  see the money in the local fast food and have followed our local kaibars by giving us chicken fingers  , Flour balls, lamp grease , sheep heart , cow heart , dry scones , fish flour and you name it , savaloys, ----------the lsit goes on.
Other fast food in lae are improoving  to give  good  meal and if you want to have a good meal then you will have to pay .
 In PNG many of our people do not care on what they eat and the what thay are self inflicting on theirlLivers. The reason lack of Knowledge and IGNORANCE of  good diet.

This is true for other foods being sold in all supermarkets.
PNG is a country full of consumers who do their shopping in the supermarkets and without taking 5 minutes to read the food labels ,  They have no idea what they will be putting in their stomach and gradually gets into the blood stream to their liver and then problems .

you can find more about the prodcuts by going to the following link and click the PNG Flag
Ultimately it is the true foundation for living the LongestHealthiest, and Youngest life possible. It will be the forefront and focus globally of Health, Wellness and Beauty for decades to come.

DNA repair is a natural cellular process that allows the body to heal itself. But your body has a limit to its ability to repair that damage. Eventually as you age, it can no longer keep up and this begins the accumulation of damage to your DNA that scientists now agree is responsible for an accelerated aging process and most degenerative diseases.

Very simply, the more efficient you are at DNA repair, the healthier you are and the longer you live. Being highly efficient at DNA repair allows you to regain or retain your youth.


Having joined BHIP global MLM  as distributor andwent on to find out and educate my self on or diet and  the Human body.  

One of the product was a DNA REPAIR that struck  me to do some  research of the human body and the food  we eat.
As a young student in High school.   I loved chemistry and Biology  and Most of my good mates  went to Take up medcine in University of PNG and I Moved to studey engineering In Lae.
The internet age has given me an opportunity to educate myself in the Human body . 

DNA repair is a natural cellular process that allows the body to heal itself. But your body has a limit to its ability to repair that damage. Eventually as you age

Situations has forced many  of us into eating things we should not be eating drinking or putting through  our lungs . like smoking,
Smoking puts nicotine into your lungs and straight to the Blood stream .

When we become hungry the body craves for something to eat and for most Papua new Guineas  we look for dry scones , pepsi , coke fried banana , Potatoes  and sausages and lampflaps  just to fill up the stomach .

Or to take  cigarettes through the mouth that end up in the Lungs and to the blood stream.

If you look at what an average Papua  new Guinean eat in a city like lae you will knowwhat I am writing about  , it shows food that lacks nutrients that  Body needs to function properly.

The toxic life style  has created   more and more sick people and more and more specialist doctors in PNG . Hospitals and private clinics  now have more and more specialist doctor of   the heart, the throat , the Nose , the Bone , the teeth , the eye , the ear and mental spealists waht more specisalist will we create in our health system..

This is unheard of 50 years ago in PNG  and my study into the human health has educated me on the function of the liver and why nutrition is very important for the Body

The function of the liver is well described in my weeks of  searching  and found this description of the liver and you must know it also

"The liver is the master organ for creating optimal nutrition for all the 50 trillion cells in your body. The liver is the body's largest organ, weighing between 1 and 2 kilograms in most adults. It uses 12 – 25% of the body's total energy, and it must generate this energy to its own cells. The liver routinely performs over 500 known functions to regulate your cell's metabolism. It is the alchemical wizard of the body, transforming toxins into harmless chemicals for excretion, and digestively absorbed nutrients into the proper biochemical forms your cells can use to function.

Yet the liver is probably the organ most assaulted by our toxic modern lifestyles, which is full of pollution, drugs, stress, fast foods, etc.

Most people will never suffer from hepatitis, cirrhosis, or jaundice, the classic liver diseases. The modern lifestyle may however promote subclinical liver dysfunction. No matter how good your diet and digestion, if your liver does not perform its many jobs properly, your cells can still be manifestly malnourished. Optimal nutrition is a function of how well the liver bio-transforms incoming food nutrients into forms that the bloodstream can transport to all the body's cells so they can perform their metabolic functions. “

Essential nutrient are being depleted from the soil and can no longer be found in plants and animals and needs to be taken as supplement with our diet

 Look at it this way , Most Vehicles go for a  regular service to extend its running life and keep it reliable . There are  service Kits for each parts of the car , the brakes, the engine , the steering  etc.

The Human Body also  needs to go for a service and it needs its  own repair Kit  - Good  balanced diet
Today most nutrients from the soil are depleted and need to supplemented as diets .

There is now a product from BHIP GLOBAL for DNA to  Repair  Rebuild and Restore the DNA It is a product exclusively distributed by BhIP Global and can be taken on a daily basisi   

The information and can be found on the internet  by going to the following sites . Just Type BHIP AC11 and read the testimonies around the world .

It is very important for people to go on the internet and  and self-educate themselves on  the Human Body and How they can take care of their own personal  health , especially good diet.
BHIP Global is already ahead in  personal health care  products

The public health system is failing people all over the world  and it is  now  evident in PNG state Hospital  which is incapable to help on Lifestyle diseases and the way to go is to educate our people to  take care of their own heath by  being selective  in what you eat , drink and put in the STOMACH and LUNGS


 Menu offered In kai bars in the city of LAE and is a common site in all the kai barsaround PNG .





Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Comfort Zones is a mental issue - It can put you in a wheel chair

Only a  repetition of what you did yesterday , last week , last month and last year and the last 40 years
WHAT IS YOUR PLAN B . It is Your mistake if you are stuck in  your comfort zone .

BHIP global can take your mind out of the Comfort Zone  and shift your way of thinking   differently.. 

My 30 years of working in an environment based on  Loyalty and praise from your boss was the driving factor, It no longer works today..
You are driven to give your Boss what  he wants .It has driven  me mad many times--- .
No matter how much time and effort you put in.and the Hours you work.
Your effort   only equates to your pay and other small fringe benefits.
Wealth creation for you is not there.. we slave our time for Money in qadrant S and E

We  work for our  family and try to  help them create  their own luck  in this harsh world of competition
We cannot ride on somebody else's success . You have to create and make your own success .
I try do define a Comfort zone the PNG way.

A place where nothing grows-----------
A place where you Just survive on a day to day -----
A place that is a dead end----
A place where you dont see your potential ---
A place where insecurity  leads you to build fortress  with no escape routes--
A Place  where no doors of opportunity  can be made ---
A place that takes you away from the real world around you.
A place that has no dreams---- ,

You add your own List -----------

"When we become comfortable, do you know what happens around us? Absolutely nothing. Each day becomes just like the one before. We do what we have always done, therefore we get what we have always gotten."Kip Davis, A Comfortable Situation

My understanding of a  comfort zone is being STUCK and LOCKED  in quadrant  E and S.
On the Blue side are people who are just surviving  day in and day out  and on the green side are  people who wants to be successful
This comfort zone is a beautiful place  but barren and a desert with nothing to grow and harvest
It is place were  there is only repetition of what you did yesterday , last week , last month ,last year and the last 40 years
It is a place where  the company you work for. pays you enough so that you do not run away and you are doing just  enough for the company to keep you on their payroll.

It is a place you put food on the table and just keep of surviving
It is a place where you keep on saying  another day another dollar
We become prisoners of companies and corporations .
BHIP global create on opportunityBy GIVING YOU A KEY  for you to shift out of you comfort zone of survival and

Try something  different
Do something differet
Take a different Route

Stop and think . IF  there  is  a better ways of doing  a repetive things. Be  creative , imaginative and
take some responsible risks..
One of our leaders said  the graveyard is the richest place on earth . Its a place where valuable  ideas lay burried .
How true is that.
Great  people have done great t things and moved alot of people .
Some peope in their cofort zones  have great  idears  and visions  but are afraid , ashamed or  insecure to take some leap of confidence  into the unkown.
They have no friend , no stories to tell , nothing to write about and nothing to show for.
They fail to realize that working their entire life to serve a company can be very rewarding  but as time catches up and you sit back and look back on your achievements , there is nothing to show for .

Thinking beyond your frozen comfort zone .

Nearly all goverment business and entity in PNG  has a father , son , uncle grand chuildren and family members  holding onto positions they do not deseve .
We turn the governemnt business and office into a family business and ride in its  comfort zone  and suddenly a new Boss comes in with  his tribeman and family members  move into the comfort zone
It becomes a start of family fueds  for comfort zone.

You can work for a big corporation or company  with all sorts of perks and jerks  but remember this Comfort zone  advise .

These are NOT yours ----------
The position you hold
The chair you sit on
The Company car you drive
The Company  house you live in
The land you live on

People who were thrown out of their comfort zones have never adjusted to the real world  . I Know of a family friend who is now paralyzed  and in bed .
The shock that hit him when he was forced out his cofort zone has put him on a wheel chair.

I hold a bachelord Degree in Engineering and my formal education has kept me in  my comfort zone  for 30 years and  as I plan  on my retirement  it is scary but  when I see people I have  know waking on the streets of Lae  and are  still alive My question is  How are they Surviving  on a day to day basis .
They have adjusted out of their Comort zone
Simply we humans have always found a way out of situations , unfortunalley many dont
Bhip Global has re educated my way of thinking and if you cant see where Iam coming from .
then just pause and think  on  this Bill Gates quote to jog your mind
Photo: "There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed." Ray Goforth

What he is saying is,  you have to start thinking of  ideas outside of the comfort zone

Friday, 13 December 2013

Stone Age Nut takes a challenge from Dallas Texas BHIP health supplement drinks.

 Betel nut use is a hit in png and only limited in png

Bhip global product is a worldwide hit  AND GOING GLOBALLY

Betel nut taken with lime and mustard turns red in the mouth

Is chewing of this nut a BALANCED DIET MEAL.

Betel nut chewing   is to get some energy boost. The betelnut is taken with mustard and lime and the red slime gives a sense of energy.

This short term energy boost is a money chewer and has health risks, which includes mouth cancer.

The local call it BUAI and science has identified it with its profile
Names         Betelnut, areca nut (English)
                   Pakku (Malayalam)
                    Supari, tari (Bangladesh)

Botanical name: Areca catechu
Family: Palmae, the palm family (also known as Arecaceae).
The plant,Betelnut is a slender, single-stemmed palm tree, up to 30m high. It has a crown of 8-12 leaves at the top.It has a cluster of nuts.

This nut If not chewed properly with lime and mustard, can paralyze your system and make you sweat, dizzy for a while until recovery.

 There has been cases of heart attacks and failures during minor paralysis
The near death experience is not a hindrance for chewers of the betel nut.

Addicted chewers can go crazy on the absence of the nut and will travel miles just to get the nut or even going to villages to pay for someone to climb the tree to get the nut.

The betel nut has a huge following and the suppliers invest their time money effort and   logistics just to feed the chewers

This nut puts food on the table for many Pngeans

This Nut has made people Nuts and the government has taken a move to have it banned in the City of Port Moresby.

Fines up to K 10,000 or more can be imposed on importers of this betel nut into the city.

This simple nut is marked as a dangerous good. Its fine is higher than someone carrying an illegal shot gun for hunting in the village.

 The Investment by the Government on Time, money, fuel, x-ray machines, security guards, transport officers, camera and spy network   to catch and punish its suppliers and its users in the city of Port Moresby is unique and unheard of anywhere in the world

The betel nut business opportunity prevents creative thinking.

 The simple equation for the traders is


All other business math’s is NOT applicable in the betel Nut trade.

Trading their time for money 24hrs/  7days a week for 365 days a year is a full time job for many.  

Look at the belel nut economy this way

If there are 1million chewers, chewing 10 nuts a day, that is 10million nuts a day and at 1 kina per nut that is 10million a day, 300 million in a month. You work out the annual spending by chewers -  

The money revolving in the betel nut economy can blow an economists mind to NUTS!!!

Bhip global from Dallas Texas has arrived in PNG and  has given an opportunity to educate many people on the personal health issues and open their  minds on alternative ideas to do business and get paid.

The   BHIP  business opportunity has gone worldwide.

Why Not try a Noni tea –

1)   Pour noni powder into a cup

2)   Pour hot water into cup, sir with a tea spoon 

3)   Drink and enjoy your hot  noni tea

       There are 9 other health products are exclusively supplied by BHIP                global.

 Email us or Go to www.bhipglobal.com and get connected  with us.

Monday, 9 December 2013

FROM Dallas TEXAS to LAE and to the remotest parts of PNG-- go BHIP

FROM The STONE AGE to Multi-level marketing age  IN PNG……………………..

 FROM Dallas TEXAS to LAE and to the remotest parts of PNG-- go BHIP

Over the last 100 years our country has accelerated from Stone Age to the jet age, the space age to the internet age and now the concept of Multi-level marketing.

The power of Knowledge rapidly changed the nation and there was the first of every thing,

The fist airplane, the first white man, the first Pilot, the first business man, the first BHIP

We were introduced to MLM and to join up with BHIP Global business network and it has completely changes our way of Thinking and to be creative thinkers.

PNG people have been stuck for too long in   Quadrant  E. In this quadrant we trade our time for money and we are just surviving from fortnight to fortnight and to Quadrant S is self-employed or a solo guy running his trade store or a buai seller

If your work 40hrs per week for 40years then all you will get is a lump sum payment and it will not last to help you and your family for the rest of their lives.

We cannot be investors in quadrant I as we have no money. It is left for Big Corporation like the super funds, the banks.

The secret of creating your own wealth is in QUADRANT B in Multi-level marketing.

,BHIP global gives you an opportunity with low investment and low risks  to create  wealth

 This is the basic building block done by successful people in the world. All you have to do is hear what they have done and do something about it or stay where you are for the rest of your life.

The choice is yours, you can either make money and success or you can make excuses and be left In S and SE quadrant

wealth secret Revealed 

World stage First  for LAE, PNG

The Chinaus from LAE with Chinese Bhip distributors in Thailand – Chinau  and the  China  Conxions


You can turn a small idea into gold .BHip Global has Given us the opportunity to Move from E and S to B qudrant.. The rewards BHIP has created to compensate people in this Business is Just incredible and is worth your time, effort and investment.

Formal education will give you a good life but self-education can make you successful.

We were invited to attend the first Bhip convention in Thailand in 2012

My 15 year old daughter then went on line and booked our tickets and accommodation It was like magic from our home in Lae PNG and travelling in the virtual world of the computer to search for the cheapest route to Thailand and from our home found the route to get to our hotel in Thailand  

We printed the tickets on our printer at Home and travelled to Thailand and back safety to our Speybank Street home. It was like a dream  

BHIP has Given us an opportunity to retrain ourselves to do things that we have never dreamt of .

The virtual world of people and the places we saw and booked at home became real

We were able to meet people from all over the world from ordinary people to millionaires.

 The idea SELF EDUCATION sunk into our mind. You don’t need formal education to be succesfull in PNG. You can reeducate and retrain your mind to be successful.  

On October 28th 2013, We took our second trip, this time through Bali , Singapore and to Thailand to attend the 6th BHIP Global Convetion

All our bookings were again done at home on line and tickets printed at Home  

Again, what we saw was incredible event of a lifetime. 150 nations were represented so was Lae PNG.  

The opportunity has given us the confidence to speak with audiences around PNG and to tell them that they can shift from Quadrant E and S and move to B quadrant.

 For me from A Suzuki 4 cylinder to a 6 cylinder GTO sports car was what BHIP can do for you

Driving   a Suzuki

to a Mitsubishi GTO 8 cylinder sports and the only one in the southern hemisphere was an opportunity to self-educate myself by BHIP  

Celebrating with BHIP Millionaire Carlos from Mexico.


Lae BHIP Distributors flag exchanging PNG and ISRAEL Global


Come on PNG there is another way to make money and B. Smart B Bold and make your BHIP Move. to B Quadrant.  Follow us on face book and twitter.